Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Moosetta Stone...

Greetings and salutations,

Well, I am officially one week into my phonics foray. I suspect that my initial endeavor ("gogurt" as most of you may recall), which came on the precipice of Thanksgiving, went electronically unrequited in favor of family gatherings. This, of course, is to be understood. However, the latest advancements simply cannot be avoided. Over the past seven days my vocabulary has multiplied by a factor of thirteen! Interestingly, roughly half of the aforementioned words have two syllables. And (drum roll please...), I even mixed in a sentence for good measure.

The genesis and meiotic development of my speech has been a process for me. For a period of time I was considering sending away for that Rosetta Stone jazz that Aquaman (i.e. Michael Phelps) was pitching. Yet, given my inherent work ethic (Thanks, Mama!), I elected to persevere on my own steam. While against my entrepreneurial nature, I guess that is one sponsorship deal that will fall by the wayside. On the other hand, maybe I could launch my own product for my peers. Moosetta Stone has a marvelous ring to it.

In any event, the truly outstanding results are listed below. I hope you share in the delightment of both Mama and Papa. They are absolutely relishing my development. Mama commented that it is like meeting a new person every time I learn a new word or gesture. Also, you really should take in my latest parlor trick first hand. When supper time rolls around, I grab the ol' bib and slap it around my neck. Not half bad, if I do say so myself. How else does one expect me to keep this healthy figure to which I have grown accustom? Well, here is Carter Sherman's Top 13...


and finally...

Dada and Mama

In conclusion, I would simply like to tell Mama that I hope you feel better soon. I know that Baby H2 can be ornery at times, unlike me. But regardless, please know that you are a fantastic Mama, and I could not ask for more.


Somone in heaven is always looking after me...