Friday, September 18, 2009

The Power of the Internet...

Greetings and salutations,

I hope this latest posting proves to be satisfactory for the legion of followers that have grown up with me over the past thirteen months. It is on this hallowed occasion that I have elected to challenge you, my faithful readership. It is time to see who is watching TGIF and who is truly dedicated to my myriad of musings (Alliterations are vastly underappreciated in contemporary society. Strive to implement one each day, or substitute an onomatopoeia if you prefer.). As an aside, Papa informs me that this TGIF programming gimmick was all the rage when he was a lad. Apparently programs like Family Matters with a character named Stephen Urkel and Full House with those Olsen Twins were all the rage. Those situational comedies are now on Nick at Nite leading me to the inevitable conclusion that Papa is getting old.

In any event, this evening's exercise is also aimed at challenging the true power of the Internet when attempting to distribute information. While we should all routinely thank Mr. Al Gore for inventing this noble entity (and raising awareness with regard to Global Warming, etc.), it is occasionally pleasant to reassess the Internet's role in day-to-day endeavors.

Below is a photograph of a rather handsome gentleman. The keen observer will be able to detect an embedded, possibly encrypted message. I am merely curious to see how long it takes somebody to either: 1) Call Mama; 2)Post a message on her Facebook account; or 3) Lodge a comment on my blog. Let us see who the winner shall be. Good luck to all!


Someone in heaven is always looking after me...


chantelle said...

Congratulations to all of you!!! When is grandchild number two scheduled to make their appearance?

Katie Van Heukelom said...

Oh my goodness!!!!!!! GONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I hope all is going well! When is baby #2 arriving???

Michelle said...

Congratulations Carter and Mama and Papa. Carter is going to be an awesome big brother. Blessings to all! That was a sneaky announcement:) Love it! congrats all.