Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Mastering the art of ambulation...

Me maxin'and relaxin'.

Good evening, my find friends. Sorry I have been delayed in providing a tale of what I have been up to, but lets be real...this walking stuff takes a lot of time and is really tiring! (Mama's helping me with this post and she says that it's tiring for her and Papa, too!)

So, for the past 2 weeks or so I have been walking almost exclusively. I am getting really good at it! And for the past two days, I've been really practicing my walking on the grass in our yard and in my friend Graham's yard. (He's my next door neighbor and has a really great play set that I like to go over and watch him use and use myself--he's teaching me some fun big boy things!) Anyway this walking thing has become quite fun for me. I can walk very long distances and if I fall, I just jump back up and keep going again. I can also walk and carry things at the same time! My favorite things to carry are one of my bats in one hand and one of my balls in the other hand. Mom always worries that I'll fall and crack my noggin on something when I'm carrying stuff, but the few times that I have, I haven't hurt myself.

That being said, I definitely did fall and hurt myself on Saturday. I was walking and I looked up at Mama to give her a big grin and when I did, I tripped over my bat and WHACK! I smacked my face on one of Mama's wooden chests in the living room. Of course I didn't strike my head on the corner protector that Mama so lovingly and thoughtfully placed for my still oversized in relation to my body head. Nope...I struck it about 1 inch past that spot with my left cheek. Check out the pictures. They don't do it justice. I've got a real shiner!

Anyway, things here have been good. We went to a Cubbies game on Friday. It was awesome, but I got pretty tired of sitting in in the 8th inning. Of course, just after we left, the Cubbies came back from their deficit and ended up winning and we missed the excitement, but it worked out well 'cause we also missed some of the horrific traffic.

Alice, Mama and I have been going for long walks every morning lately. The other day we saw a whole bunch of the Iowa State Bird (do all of you remember what that is?) Look at the picture and see if you can see them. They were very pretty. We alternate taking my Radio Flyer wagon and my stroller. I like them both very well, but the wagon provides me much more sun protection since it's got a great canopy. Mama and her obsession with me and sun exposure is really overwhelming sometimes. :-)

Here's me giving Alice a little pat as we walk. She's a good friend.

I was not fortunate enough to get much pool time at the end of the season. It was way too cold and rainy for swimtime according to Mama. She scoffed and said some funny comments about how global warming was "a real problem this August with highs in the 60's". I don't really know what she was talking about, but maybe someday I'll understand. I look forward to getting in some indoor pool time in the next month or two. We'll see how it goes.

Well, I'd better get going to bed. Mama works a short 4-hour shift tomorrow, but it's the early part so I have to get up at 5 AM to get ready to go to school! But the good news is, my good friend (and another neighbor) Finn just started in my room this week so we'll get to play together!

Hope everyone is well. Hugs and loves to you all!


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