Greetings and salutations,
Over the last several months I would like to think that I have developed a certain rapport with you, the faithful and diligent readers of my blog dissertations. Collectively, you have given me some of your exceptionally valuable time and attention. In return I have granted you a virtual all-access pass into my world. It is that rapport, that camaraderie, that I would like to summon this evening. It seems that I have pulled a fast one on Mama, and I implore you to keep this one under wraps.
As usual, this introduction bears a further explanation. My intelligence sources alerted me to the fact that Mama and Grandma were anticipating a delectable dining experience this evening prior to Grandma's return home. As such, they tucked me into my crib at the usual hour of seven o'clock and awaited Papa's return from the hospital. Being the astute observer of both patterns and human nature, I expected this turn of events and that which was to come. As expected, a short time later Papa entered our domicile after a long day at the "office". Mama then prepared herself for a peaceful meal and accordingly departed. It was precisely at that moment that I executed my carefully laid plan.
You see, Papa has been putting in some fairly lengthy hours at the hospital of late. The hours themselves do not appear to be taxing for Papa; however, when those hours transpire has presented a bit of an issue. He departs for the hospital at 4:40 a.m. and often does not return until 7:00 p.m. or later. This pretty much encompasses every waking moment that I have on a given day. Thus, with this weekday schedule and the additional weekend work requirements, quality time with Papa has been cut significantly of late. Consequently, I thought it appropriate to clear a little extra time from my own calendar to address the matter.
Unbeknownst to Mama, I promptly alerted Papa of my presence after her departure. As he always does, Papa checked as to my current predicament only to find me sitting and grinning at him as only I can do. This was not the time for subtleties; I let him know that I was all about spending time with him. He was the proud recipient of one of my patented Carter smiles (available for advertising any number of products, if you are still interested). Papa cannot resist such a look. As such, the festivities commenced shortly thereafter.
And festive it was; we had a ball, both literally and figuratively. We played with Alice, crawled about the living room, read a book (Bob the Builder, if you must know), and of course, we took some batting practice. For those of you keeping score at home, I had six home runs, three triples, five doubles, and six singles. Skeptics will insist that my numbers are a reflection of the steroid era, a product of pure and artificial inflation due to performance enhancement. Rest assured that my achievements are legit; my urine is available for testing quite frequently if one is so inclined. You might have to wring out a diaper or two, but it is there for the taking.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Needless to say, Papa and I had a wonderful slumber party. It was so good to catch up with him and just relax. As I always say (although people often glare at me because they remark that I am difficult to comprehend at times), "Family first." I think the sacrifice of a little snoozing is more than a fair swap. And while I neglected to share my intentions with Mama, I think she will understand. But just to be safe, if you could keep this matter between you and I, it might be best if I shared the news with her first. Thanks; I knew I could count on you.
Someone in heaven is always looking after me...
1 comment:
Awwwww. Carter, I'm more than happy about your plan. You and your papa do not get to spend enough time together and the fact that you could do it while I was gone (so I didn't have to share you) was a gift in itself! :-) I'm so glad you and your papa had fun. I love you always and forever...Mama
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