Occasionally wild, always fun, and with ample clowning around, we are a human cannonball shy of the greatest show on Earth!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sharing is Caring...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

It seems that my puppy Alice and I have yet another commonality that warrants further discussion today. While it is true that both of us could be considered quadrupeds, my ability to crawl does not yet elevate me to the esteemed level of Alice. Instead, I am referring to our developing dental mastery. Alice has a fondness for licking everything...faces, hands, glass, the floor, her dog food bowl clean, you name it. However, she also has a propensity to chew on things in the process. It seems that my own dental metamorphosis has similar qualities.
I am now the proud owner of five teeth, three on the maxillary surface and two mandibular chompers. Papa now refers to me as Carter O'lantern due to the Halloween-esque appearance of my grin at present. These teeth have compelled me to chew on virtually everything...faces, hands, not so much glass, the floor, my cereal bowl clean, you name it. Papa thinks that in a mere matter of weeks we will be sharing a pizza with him. He recommends the Old Chicago pepperoni, if you are interested (Yet another marketing opportunity...My schedule is available; commercials, fliers, Internet campaigns, whatever your fancy. Papa is now accepting offers.). In any event, I might hold off on that for a bit, but I must admit that the thought is tantalizing.
For me, the teeth are really an investment in the future. Sure, they will eventually enable me to expand my palate, dabbling in the delicacies our society has to offer. Before long I will be eating solid foods with Mama and Papa. Mama suggests tapas, whatever those are, while Papa states that a Fuddruckers hamburger is a must. Anyway, the nutrient qualities will assuredly be essential to my future development. However, that is not the investment to which I was referring. In these economic times I think teeth are a solid security with high reward potential. The current state of 401K retirement funds, stocks, bonds, municipalities, standard commodities, and real estate are far too volatile for my taste. I find the tangible qualities of teeth far more appealing. I plan to stockpile these enamel-based entities until the market peaks, and then I will call upon the Tooth Fairy to reward my hard work and patience. On the open market twenty baby teeth can fetch a pretty penny. Just think about all the folks in society who pay thousands of dollars for fake teeth. Why settle for artificial chompers when pristine, low mileage teeth are available? With the current rate of inflation I could just retire on those proceeds alone. I guess there are just two things left to do: 1) finish growing those last fifteen teeth and 2) start sleeping on a pillow so I can strategically place those teeth underneath it. So much to do, so little time!
Someone in heaven is always looking after me...
Friday, March 27, 2009
Walk This Way!

It seems that the XM radio station 80s on 8 will permeate yet another journey on which we are about to embark. My recent activities around the homestead beg for the comparison, and I simply hate to disappoint my modest readership.
Aerosmith is a legend of rock and roll. How else would someone classify a band that has its own version of "Guitar Hero"? And one day after lead singer Steven Tyler's 61st birthday, what is a more fitting tribute than to be immortalized in my blog? Okay, so it may not be a marvelous gift, but it is better than cleaning up after my puppy, Alice, in the kitchen...yet again. In any event, the work of this super band has spanned the 70s, 80s, 90s, and today (as our trained disc jockeys like to phrase it). With a career displaying equal parts longevity and botox injections (Have you seen Steven Tyler's face? Papa informed me that no one should have a face that smooth in their 60s let alone lips so voluptuous.), they have scored more than their fair share of number one hits. Amongst those chart toppers is a track entitled "Walk This Way." Music connoisseurs will recall that this song actually only peaked at number ten on the Billboard charts in 1977. However, after an epic and historic collaboration with Run-D.M.C., the remix of this song climaxed at number one in 1986. While attributed to Run-D.M.C. primarily, this track was identified as the ninth best song of the 1980s by VH-1 (With that said, Hall and Oates checked in at number six with "I Can't Go For That (No Can D0)", so the legitimacy of this list could be called into question.).
In this instance, the particular lyrics are less germane to today's blog than the title of the song itself (And by the way, if one peruses the nuances of said musical stylings, the lyrics may actually be deemed inappropriate for an eight month old, or an eight year old, or maybe even an eighteen year old.). It seems that my strength and conditioning coach (otherwise known as Mama) has me on a great regimen. The utilization of the Vtech Sit to Stand Learning Walker has been essential(Admittedly a shameless plug; however, I have no financial disclosures to make...yet. Vtech, if you are out there and listening, I could be the next E*trade baby. All negotiations are handled by my agent, Papa. Contact him at your leisure.). Thanks to this marvelous contraption, my dexterity, balance, and coordination are improving at a frightening pace. In fact, a mere matter of days ago I was seen gallivanting around the living room, walker in front of me and Mama at the ready. Sure, I may not quite be ready from prime time yet, but just you wait. Before long I will be ambulating without assistance, on the prowl chasing after Alice, so long as that is the only girl I chase for now Papa tells me. This new found ability has Papa thrilled. He even gave me a little incentive; he says that just as soon as I can walk he will let me take out the garbage! On second thought, maybe I will sit back down again.
Someone in heaven is always looking after me...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Nap Time!...

Monday, March 23, 2009
Sing Along...
While this may not come as a marked surprise to those who follow my postings, Papa and I tend to have similar tastes in music. It seems that is deemed pleasing to his auditory centers and cranial nerve eight are equally delightful to myself. We find particular enjoyment in the musical stylings offered by XM Radio's 80s on 8 radio station. Critics often find songs from this period frivolous and lacking substance, with synthesized sounds produced by the infamous keytair (A virtually mythical combination of the guitar and keyboard. Picture a minotaur or a centaur in a musical setting.). However, we find the sounds whimsical and the lyrics intriguing.

Thanks in large part to my speech coach, Mama, I am now able to articulate several new dulcet tones. Thus, when the Police's De Do Do Do De Da Da Da emanated through Papa's Infinity speakers, I could hardly contain myself. Sure, some of the finer nuances of the song escaped my linguistic ability. But, if you check out the link provided below, you can easily see that I nailed almost 25% of the song.
Before I sign off for today, I should make a couple of additional observations. First, when Papa heard me sing along with the Police (One of Uncle Tyler's favorite bands from his treks to high school with Papa...Just ask him about it!), he thought I should see the music video as well. It seems that I have some of their rudimentary dance moves choreographed well. Second, and this is where I part company with the Police, I refuse to style my hair in such a fashion. This is primarily due to the abhorrent appearance of said quaffs. But additionally, I really am going to need more hair in order for any styling to be feasible.
Someone in heaven is always looking after me...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Hobby Time...

Someone in heaven is always looking after me...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I Cannot Drive 55...

Friday, March 13, 2009
Alice in Wonderland...
Well, that certainly did not last as long as one might have expected. My reign lasted approximately 227 days, 7 hours, 45 minutes, and 37 seconds, give or take. I ruled the roost, sauntering about with a sense of pride and uniqueness. Yes, I was the baby of the family. No, your second cranial nerve has not betrayed you; I did incorporate the word "was" into the previous sentence. I am no longer the newest addition to our household. Mama and Papa, with my approval of course, elected to secure a beautiful, buxom Saint Bernard puppy for our home. With tremendous excitement and anticipation, we welcomed Alice in Wonderland into our home yesterday.
Now, I must confess that Alice in Wonderland is her formal moniker, much like the combination of one's name and surname. I prefer to refer to her by Alice. Alright, alright...I am still mastering the art of the English pronunciation. Once I grasp the nuances of "Mama" and perhaps "Papa", I shall proceed along to "Alice" and "flibbertigibbet" (also known as a silly, flighty person; that may actually be a practical term for many of you to incorporate into your vernacular. Who does not know such a person? Okay, I do not but everyone seems to forget that I am only seven months old).

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Greetings and salutations,
Please keep in mind that I have only been on this beautiful ball of mud for roughly seven and one half months. However, even with only that small moniker of experience at my disposal, I think that one of the greatest things in the world are friends. And no, I am not referring to that juvenile television program with that lady from Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. By the way, she was much funnier in that movie than her marginally successful syndicated television program.
Tangents aside, surely each of you must have a bevy of folks that you can call upon in times of need, someone to lean upon if needed. A person that even, or perhaps more adequately especially, when the chips are down is always there to cover your anti (I still marvel at my ability to employ the pun; how about that poker reference!). Often times this individual is merely present to enjoy a hardy conversation over a cup of Similac (I prefer mine straight up with a fast-flow nipple.).
Friends are also great because they provide the opportunity for play dates, strictly platonic of course. Mama insists that these social gatherings at the local mall are really for the children. Truth be told, I think that Mama is behaving like those gals in the Tostitos chips commercial. Assuredly you recall the fine bit of cinematography to which I refer. The ladies involved are marveling at how much fun their kids are having, resting peacefully in their bouncy chairs. Meanwhile, the women are indulging in a bag of tortilla chips and dip, gossiping away. In any event, this is much like my play dates. I surmise that Mama enjoys the company of her friends as much as I do, which makes these excursions so rewarding.
Regardless, these opportunities have enabled me to learn about something that everyone needs at times and something that everyone should be to many...a friend.
Someone in heaven is always looking after me...
Monday, March 09, 2009
Truly Blessed...

Saturday, March 07, 2009
Chatting About Grandpa...
Today Mama had to go to work. Scores of individuals inform me that she is a fantastic nurse, helping a plethora of people in need of medical attention. While I have missed her mightily today, it has provided me with an opportunity to spend the day with Papa. Thus far, we have reveled in a blissful day. We indulged in multiple nursery rhymes, enjoyed a gourmet applesauce for lunch, watched the Hawkeyes win in double overtime, took a spa-quality bubble bath, and had batting practice with my tee-ball toys. All in all, it has been a spectacular day.

As an aside, the legend of He-Man has waned a bit in contemporary society. The significance of this mythical character does still hold a place in the hearts and minds of many today although He-Man (and his equal opportunity companion She-Ra) are not as popular as they were "back in the day." As it is explained to me, He-Man was the equivalent of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for some, the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers for others, and now akin to Spiderman in terms of popularity with the youth of our nation.
In any event, given the economic situation at the time, Grandpa was apparently faced with a tough decision. He could either spend his remaining money on this luxury for his son or purchase food for he and Grandma. After a discussion with Grandma, he elected to secure the toy, probably for no other reason than to see the sheer joy and sense of appreciation on his face. Of course, this meant that Grandpa and Grandma had to stretch their remaining food stores (primarily consisting of potatoes) for the next several weeks until payday returned. However, never a word of bitterness or secondary consternation was uttered following this decision.
Papa seems to have taken this lesson to heart. It may not always apply to purchasing tangible items, but rather it is a thought process that has pervaded both his life and that of Mama's as well. They too realize that there may be nothing better in the entire world than seeing me smile. Between you and me, that is why I am constantly smiling. I figure it is the least I can do to repay Mama and Papa for all of their love and attention. The aforementioned tale is just one of the many lessons Grandpa has passed along, and one that I too will remember. Thanks to days like today, I get to enjoy Papa and those that have influenced his life.
Someone in heaven is always looking after me...
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Big (Ten) Night Out!
Mama and Papa took me out on the town this evening. And before someone alerts Child Protective Services, we did not embark upon a tour of the Downtown Iowa City hotspots. No, instead the Hogrefe Family was privileged to take in the Iowa Hawkeyes battle The Ohio State Buckeyes in a men's Big Ten basketball tilt. Now, I have had the occasion to view a couple of Papa's intramural soirees. Those are entertaining and there is always one guy who smiles at me during time-outs. In any event, tonight was my first foray into Carver Hawkeye Arena. I suppose there is one caveat; Mama lugged me across the arena floor last May during her commencement ceremony. However, truth be told, I only vaguely recollect the in utero memories of that occasion. Rest assured that Mama informed me that it was every bit as challenging carrying me up and down the steep stairs this time as it was last May.
As the picture above indicates, our seats were fantastic. We were in the first row of the stadium seating, and I even got to meet Herky. He was rather cordial, but when he sat in front of me his large cranium obstructed my view for a brief time. And if I am not mistaken, during the game a couple of droplets of perspiration may have landed upon me. However, Mama was there to mop them up with my handy burp rag. Papa contended it may have been salivary contents from a gentleman a dozen rows behind us who appeared to have a personal vendetta against one of the referees. I learned that these referees are often berated but are really just doing the best job they can, calling the action as they see it from their vantage.
In the end, the Hawkeyes came up just short. Yet, it was a very entertaining game. I cheered throughout and boisterously supported my Mama and Papa's alma mater. Papa and I conversed during the contest, and I learned a few things. First of all, as is the case in most sporting endeavors, it seems that the games are won and lost on the defensive end. Tomorrow I plan to work on my defensive stance and shuffling my feet to stay in front of my defender. Okay, maybe I will focus on that walking thing first. But I do have a secret weapon...If I keep drooling at this pace, my defender will assuredly lose his balance, resulting in a traveling violation or a turnover. Trust me, Papa and I looked in the rule book and there is no penalty for drooling.
Secondly, I learned that basketball players are much taller in person than on the television. They appeared to be equivalent to four of me stacked in a vertical orientation. I am going to have to remain on my current growth curve (presently in the 89th percentile) to contend with these big boys. And finally, we talked about college sports in general. The opportunity to partake in athletics at the collegiate level is a blessing realized by hard work, dedication, and some God-given ability. But in the end, the defining and quintessential aspect of college sports is college...The education achieved in, and more more importantly outside, the athletic arena is what enables one to be truly successful in life. Papa and I will hit the books first and then the hardwood.
Someone in heaven is always looking after me...
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Expanding Vocabulary!
Those faithful blog followers will recall that my most recent dissertation involved a reference to my film sessions with Papa. We have been reviewing some of the comedic classics, and I specifically referenced Dumb and Dumber. Well, during our screening Papa taught me a brand-new word and even correlated it to my life! Mostly Papa just throws out these inane terms with questionable (at best) relevance to one's daily trials and tribulations. But this time I think he might be on to something.
The word in question is "antithesis." For those of you, like me, who struggled to grasp the most basic definition of this term let alone its nuances, please allow me to define said term for you. Our good friends at Merriam-Webster, purveyors of all that is sacred in our English language and rapidly becoming one of my favorite texts, "antithesis" is defined as, "the direct opposite."
The context in which the introduction of this term entered my vernacular can best be explained by watching the following clip from the aforementioned film Dumb and Dumber: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cVlTeIATBs.
Surely, that strikes the funny bone of most individuals. Now, please allow me to bring this full circle. Recently I have begun to explore the tonal qualities of my own voice. In

Papa explained to me that he was remarkably proud of my ability to discourse with such inflection and passion. It sounded as though he was both impressed with my development and amazed at how fast I am growing up. He stated that before long we would be seated across from each other in our new office discussing the Cubs, philosophy, and everything Grandpa Sherman taught him. So, I guess that learning new words is virtually always marvelous and sometimes being the antithesis is a great thing.
Someone in heaven is always looking after me...