Sunday, March 01, 2009

Expanding Vocabulary!

Greetings and salutations,

Those faithful blog followers will recall that my most recent dissertation involved a reference to my film sessions with Papa. We have been reviewing some of the comedic classics, and I specifically referenced Dumb and Dumber. Well, during our screening Papa taught me a brand-new word and even correlated it to my life! Mostly Papa just throws out these inane terms with questionable (at best) relevance to one's daily trials and tribulations. But this time I think he might be on to something.

The word in question is "antithesis." For those of you, like me, who struggled to grasp the most basic definition of this term let alone its nuances, please allow me to define said term for you. Our good friends at Merriam-Webster, purveyors of all that is sacred in our English language and rapidly becoming one of my favorite texts, "antithesis" is defined as, "the direct opposite."

The context in which the introduction of this term entered my vernacular can best be explained by watching the following clip from the aforementioned film Dumb and Dumber:

Surely, that strikes the funny bone of most individuals. Now, please allow me to bring this full circle. Recently I have begun to explore the tonal qualities of my own voice. Interestingly, I am able to produce a stunningly similar rendition of Mr. Carey's acting. I would assert that this fine Canadian actor stole my material, but the chronology simply does not merit such accusations. In any event, after seeing this portion of the film during our viewing, I started to wonder if my newly found voice was in competition for "the most annoying sound in the world." Papa was quick to dispel this myth. He informed me that I was actually offering the antithesis of "the most annoying sound in the world."

Papa explained to me that he was remarkably proud of my ability to discourse with such inflection and passion. It sounded as though he was both impressed with my development and amazed at how fast I am growing up. He stated that before long we would be seated across from each other in our new office discussing the Cubs, philosophy, and everything Grandpa Sherman taught him. So, I guess that learning new words is virtually always marvelous and sometimes being the antithesis is a great thing.


Someone in heaven is always looking after me...

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