Tonight I have elected to discuss a whimsical topic with which I hope many of you can identify. Papa and I have conversed regularly about the virtues of identifying a hobby. Assuredly each of you are familiar with this critical component of one's life. Papa states that everyone should have a past time in life that serves as an outlet, something that brings pleasure and further refines a person. In the end, ideally such a hobby adds character and brings joy to one's life.
Papa, for instance, revels in collecting Air Jordan shoes and playing baseball. Mama, on the other hand, delights in securing handbags and cooking. Their colleagues will inform you that they both love watching the Cubs at Wrigley Field. Hopefully someday I am privileged enough to sample this baseball delicacy. With that said, interestingly, they both independently inform me on a daily basis that their favorite hobby is watching me grow and smile virtually every moment along the way. Of course, I personally enjoy ensuring that this latter hobby is optimized for them.
With these examples readily apparent around me, I have taken the occasion to identify things in my young life that I could consider hobbies. Previous diatribes have eluded to such past times,
including identifying the textural qualities of my metatarsals, watching Dumb and Dumber with Papa, and making Mama laugh with my newly discovered auditory qualities. But without question, I must admit, the one activity that always, without fail, makes me smile, is Papa climbing. Each time I reach the summit of Mount Papa, latching on to the follicular peak, a beautiful smile emanates across my face. Part of me finds pleasure in seeing how many members of his telophase hair shafts I can remove in a single handful. Other times I simply try to see if I can stretch his left ear to match the right. But regardless of the purpose, whenever Papa aides me in partaking in this hobby, I am genuinely happy.

It seems that Mama and Papa were correct again; hobbies are vital to one's life. A true hobby really does provide another dimension to a person's personality. And when you can indulge in such activity with those that you love (like Mama and Papa at Wrigley Field), said hobby is that much more pleasurable.
Someone in heaven is always looking after me...
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