Saturday, March 07, 2009

Chatting About Grandpa...

Greetings and salutations,

Today Mama had to go to work. Scores of individuals inform me that she is a fantastic nurse, helping a plethora of people in need of medical attention. While I have missed her mightily today, it has provided me with an opportunity to spend the day with Papa. Thus far, we have reveled in a blissful day. We indulged in multiple nursery rhymes, enjoyed a gourmet applesauce for lunch, watched the Hawkeyes win in double overtime, took a spa-quality bubble bath, and had batting practice with my tee-ball toys. All in all, it has been a spectacular day.

Perhaps the most interesting part of the day came while I was playing with my agriculturally-themed Vtech Sit-to-Stand Learning Walker (pictured above at Christmas). Papa took this occasion to tell me a tale about Grandpa Sherman. Fortunately for me, Mama and Papa have been blessed with occupational opportunities that enable them to provide me with virtually everything that I could desire (including many things that I do not even know I desire, like Air Jordans). But "back in the day", as the kids are saying now days, Grandpa Sherman did not have that luxury. When Papa was young, Grandpa was still in school and trying to support his family at the same time. There came an evening when Grandpa, Grandma, and Papa were at the store. Apparently Papa was just as blatant with his wishes and desires then as he is now. He informed his parents that he would relish a He-Man toy that was on sale at the store.

As an aside, the legend of He-Man has waned a bit in contemporary society. The significance of this mythical character does still hold a place in the hearts and minds of many today although He-Man (and his equal opportunity companion She-Ra) are not as popular as they were "back in the day." As it is explained to me, He-Man was the equivalent of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for some, the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers for others, and now akin to Spiderman in terms of popularity with the youth of our nation.

In any event, given the economic situation at the time, Grandpa was apparently faced with a tough decision. He could either spend his remaining money on this luxury for his son or purchase food for he and Grandma. After a discussion with Grandma, he elected to secure the toy, probably for no other reason than to see the sheer joy and sense of appreciation on his face. Of course, this meant that Grandpa and Grandma had to stretch their remaining food stores (primarily consisting of potatoes) for the next several weeks until payday returned. However, never a word of bitterness or secondary consternation was uttered following this decision.

Papa seems to have taken this lesson to heart. It may not always apply to purchasing tangible items, but rather it is a thought process that has pervaded both his life and that of Mama's as well. They too realize that there may be nothing better in the entire world than seeing me smile. Between you and me, that is why I am constantly smiling. I figure it is the least I can do to repay Mama and Papa for all of their love and attention. The aforementioned tale is just one of the many lessons Grandpa has passed along, and one that I too will remember. Thanks to days like today, I get to enjoy Papa and those that have influenced his life.


Someone in heaven is always looking after me...

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